Driving Lessons Gilles Plains – Safe And Responsible Driving Among P Platers
We all want to ensure that our family and friends are safe at all times. Driving as a P plater can be exciting but also carries with it an increased level of risk each time they get in the driver’s seat. The reason for this article is to help with improving P Plater Safety.
According to statistics, P platers are in fact 3 times more likely to have an accident involving their car (for example, hitting a road barrier or running off the road entirely). Even more seriously, they are 3 times more likely to be involved in a serious crash with injuries or even deaths occurring.
As with learning anything new in life, it can take a while to really master driving and be confident without making mistakes, especially in a P plater’s first year. There are a few tips for P platers from experts that can help keep them out of danger and form the basis of safe and responsible driving that will stay with them long after they are granted their full licence. These include:
- Limiting P Platers to relatively risk free driving environments such as in local areas that they may know well or that do not present many hazards or obstacles.
- Certain driving conditions, such as bad weather or night driving, can increase the danger for P platers. They should avoid such conditions until you feel they are completely competent. Having said this, regular practice in such conditions with someone supervising them is a good idea too.
- As P platers are prohibited from drinking or taking drugs at all if they are planning to drive, this should be strictly enforced at home. They are also prohibited from using their phones while driving (including texting or using the internet). Most authorities now believe that the use of mobile phones while driving has become one of the biggest factors to vehicle accidents in Australia. It is good practise never to use a phone or engage in any distracting activity while in control of a vehicle. Again, this needs to be strictly enforced at home.
- P platers should be provided with the safest car possible to drive around. Sometimes young drivers are provided with a spare older model family car which may have defects or even be unsafe. If you are considering buying a new car for the P plater you may wish to consider some of the models that come with a range of safety features such as air bags and other crash protection mechanisms.
- Speeding is one of the great killers on our roads, and although P platers are constantly reminded of this fact through driving lessons, government advertising and road signs, it continues to be a significant issue. It doesn’t hurt to remind P platers before they hop into the car about the dangers of speeding. Other safe driving behaviours such as maintaining an appropriate distance between their car and other vehicles and checking for hazards
Ultimately we all hope that P platers remain safe on our roads and also that they develop into responsible drivers. As parents or friends you have a responsibility to ensure that your P plater adheres at all times to the road rules, ensuring a safe and secure trip for everyone.
Safe Driving